Cyber Security |
The Virtual Battlefront
The past decade has seen computer networks become the platform of choice for supporting not only multiple means of high-speed data communication, but also for powerful distributed architecture that supports our daily business and personal lives. As more organizations, both public and private, became increasingly aware of the Internet’s vast potential for productivity and efficiency, multiple networks were designed and developed to take advantage of Internet connectivity. The idea of Internet Security was viewed as a serious issue but, like other issues in the “disaster planning” category, its priority level seemed expendable.
Unfortunately, the recent past has also witnessed a rise in malicious and organized attacks at governments and businesses through the Internet. What was once promulgated by lone individuals seeking personal infamy has mutated into a method for international theft or a key weapon in the arsenal for war.
Although Internet Security has strengthened through the years, the principles for designing and developing a network mainly target at providing connection and communication capabilities. Without making security an inherent part of the network design and development process, existing networks remain vulnerable to cyber attacks.
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